I may have reached the zenith of my (natural antihistamine) Kenya experiences. I was in shock after discovering holy basil seeds on a supermarket shelf in downtown Malindi yesterday. I mean talk about unexpected. There’s no cinema here but there’s a plethora of natural antihistamines. I so miss the movies, but I’m enjoying getting it on health wise out here.
The evening was spent coming up with a hundred and one ways to get this antihistamine and anti inflammatory superstar into my daily diet.
“Not only is Holy Basil tasty in just about any Thai or Vietnamese dish – turns out it’s an anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine herb that’s as effective as Ranitidine/Zantac at treating H2 (histamine) induced ulcers, preventing mast cell degranulation and anaphylactic shock.” Read my post on it here.
But the 101 uses all flew out the window when I woke after a night of writing, totally starved. Checking the pantry was an anti climax, while the fridge was just desolate. I could almost picture the tumbleweeds…
Eggs. We always seem to have them, despite consuming a seemingly never ending supply daily. My man loves eggs, so even when I space out at the supermarket trying to figure out what I’m going to make with the selection of five locally available veggies, he’s always there, a bumper pack of eggs in tow. Luckily the dried food section in our house is usually fairly stocked. I’d had a fun time grabbing multiple bags of beans and other good stuff that I’d never come across before. There’s a big Indian community out here and they love their pulses.
Now I know a lot of people are anti bean/pulses/lectins, but I would find it hard to manage without them. Some are near perfect proteins and many are incredibly high in B vitamins. I prefer to deal with a little potential bloating rather than pop some pills – you’d be disgusted and totally freaked to know where a lot of that stuff comes from (fermented corn, sheep hair, oyster shell and more!) and they almost always have a ton of nasty fillers. And what’s with the insanely high dosages? I can’t even imagine my poor body having to deal with 1000 times the RDI of vitamin whatever.
You can google many recipes for huevos rancheros on the net. I’m still working on my recipe. At last count I have managed to work in six antihistamine ingredients (that’s the holy basil seed sprinkled on the eggs)… In the meantime, don’t forget to sign up to my mailing list for free recipes and the latest histamine research, as well as a 10% discount on my books, and a copy of my 101 uses for holy basil, when it’s done.