Incredible news! I’ve been sitting on a piece of the juiciest information I have come up with in years, because I’ve been waiting to hear back from a research scientist who is on leave – but I just can’t wait anymore…
Scientists at Flinders University in Australia have invented a “revolutionary” method for testing food poisoning in fish that has exciting possibilities for personal use! [1].
Scromboid poisoning is a well-known event that can occur when healthy individuals are exposed to excessive amounts of histamine that have accumulated in fish as a result of spoilage. Scromboid is the only reason I will generally not eat fish in a restaurant whose owners and methods I’m not very well acquainted with. I have done it, but honestly, the mind scrambling amygdala hyper activation (read more about that here) that comes with my freaking out over whether the fish was mishandled in transit, really isn’t worth it.
But now, that will soon be a thing of the past.
This credit card-like device, is fitted with electrodes that detect histamine levels as the sample passes through a tiny pipe in the plastic microfluidic chipped device.
One of the developers, Flinders associate professor Claire Leneham said:
“We can tell what compounds are histamine, and how much histamine is contained in the sample, based on the rate at which the compounds pass through the device,”.
This ground-breaking device is the first that will do away with a complicated testing procedure that involves pulverising samples and treating them with chemicals (lordy, that’s all we need, to spill toxic chemicals on our skin or food!).
The exciting part is that Lenehan actually says in the university news release that the device could also be marketed to consumers “who have a histamine sensitivity because they can use the device to test a food before they consume it.”
I told you it was excitiiiiiiiiiiiing! She even knows people with histamine disorders like histamine intolerance, mast cell activation and mastocytosis actually exist, and she’s planning to market the device to us.
Rest assured that I have already contacted the Flinders team and asked all the relevant questions. I will report back the very moment I hear from them. I’m very much looking forward to taking this device for a spin. Might get some funny looks in restaurants, but so does handing the chef a list of 101 “don’t eats” or ordering boiled rice with a side of sweet potato.
Please don’t forget antihistamine, pain killing foods can still hurt us, so please always check with your doctor before adding new foods to your diet
The Anti-cookbook and all liquid Anti-Detox Book, don’t treat any conditions, but are high in the high nutrient antihistamine and anti-inflammatory ingredients that have been instrumental in helping me feed myself on a limited diet. The Anti-cookbook features a six page list of antihistamine and anti-inflammatory foods and comes in regular and Paleo.
The Low Oxalate Cookbook features antihistamine and anti-inflammatory rich recipes.
Don’t miss the Low Histamine Beauty Survival Guide for non-toxic beauty tips, the skinny on histamine releasing (mast cell degranulating) beauty ingredients, antihistamine and anti-inflammatory beauty alternatives and the top brands natural brands I’ve found.
Take a peek at my other low histamine and antihistamine cookbooks for more high nutrient recipes and sign up to my mailing list for freebies.
———————— REFERENCES ———————-
[1] http://blogs.flinders.edu.au/flinders-news/tag/microfluidic-chip/