Check out these gluten/milk/sugar free and low histamine cupcakes. There’s no unhealthy fats, preservatives, flavours, really absolutely nothing but pure, nutritious, tasty ingredients. I’m definitely an excitable gal, but these took a few tries to get right, so I’m celebrating. I’m not a huge fan of stevia/yacon as sweeteners so I use agave. You could easily substitute it for them though.
I’m very new to gluten free baking, but I’m really loving it.
Phew. Ok, on to the next recipe. The histamine intolerance/histaminosis/mastocytosis/mcad/mcas friendly dessert book with this recipe will be out by the end of the week. The recipes are higher histamine than my other book (The Diamine Oxidase Support Recipe Book), i.e. many recipes contain some agave/honey but are still far lower histamine than anything thing you’ll find commercially or in most cases even online recipe-wise.
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