[trx_video url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kPIkD5U2p4″ show_image=”yes” autoplay=”yes”]
Yasmina Ykelenstam (the Low Histamine Chef) interviews histamine intolerance and allergy researcher, immunologist and nutritionist Dr. Janice Joneja.
In part 1:
– Why you may still be able to eat tomatoes
– How lowering your histamine level can help minimize allergies (if you’re histamine intolerant or lacking the histamine-lowering diamine oxidase enzyme)
– Why elimination is counterproductive (wait, haven’t we been saying that too?)
– How to figure out whether you have histamine intolerance (not what you’d expect a doctor to tell you!)
– Why high histamine food lists vary
– The answer to why some low histamine foods still bother you (starts with a B!)
– Why some foods with antihistaminic properties still appear on high histamine lists
– Third generation probiotics that poop out histamine lowering diamine oxidase
– How your brain is tripping up recovery