The Low Histamine Diamine Oxidase Support Cookbook

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Please Note: This is a digital ebook. Figuring out what to eat for the first year of my histamine intolerance diagnosis was a complete nightmare. I’d spend hours roaming the supermarket, fighting back tears as I attempted to rationalise why I was unable to “eat like everyone else”. The answer now is, given the choice, I wouldn’t want to eat like all the unhappy, overweight and depressed people eating the traditional SAD (Standard American) diet. Rather than being the end of my life as I know it, I approached histamine intolerance as an opportunity to create a new way of eating that has helped me lose 35kg (77lbs), clear up my skin, my lifelong depression and anxiety, and get me into the best shape of my life. If I can do it, so can you. My first book, the Low Histamine Diamine Oxidase Support Cookbook features the low histamine detox recipes that helped me normalise my histamine level while still enjoying the appetite suppressing, energy creating aspects of this condition. It is the most mainstream and accessible of my books, a gentle introduction to the standard low histamine diet. Foods in this book were chosen according to a list of “permitted” foods given to me when I was diagnosed with HIT. Today I run two successful companies, live in one of the world’s most fashionable and vibrant cities, and travel up to six months of the year. Check out the recipes that help me do it! This ebook can easily be printed out at home or at your local Kinko’s![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]