Low Histamine Balinese Monkfish Sambal
My very first Balinese steps assured me I had found heaven on earth. The airport’s delightfully kitsch tourism ministry infomercials and the frosted mirrors transported me back to the 70s, not in a dingy, dirty way like it does in Bangkok’s seedy after-hours bars, but in a Brady Bunch meets the original Batman series, by […]
Braised Chicory Fennel Salad (anti-inflammatory)
Today’s lunch encompassed my favourite mealtime elements: this warm salad is anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine and prebiotic. I’m not devoting as much time as I should to getting the “perfect” shot of my off the cuff rummages through the fridge that are usually the result of either having forgot to go food shopping, or my uber healthy […]
Jam Recipe for Low Histamine DAO Support Breakfast Bars
My typical weekday breakfast is half a mango wolfed down on my way to the tube, so I usually go for broke on the weekends. Yesterday, however, the sun was out and we decided our top priority was to get out and enjoy it. I whipped up a batch of the DAO Support Book Breakfast […]