Dr Castells interview: lifestyle changes DO work for mast cell/histamine disorders

Young sports woman with barbell.

Many of you will read the title of this post and think “D’oh! Of course lifestyle changes work for mast cell/histamine disorders!” But would you believe that out of eight world renowned mast cell experts at the European Mastocytosis Conference patient Q & A session in London last week, none of them appeared to acknowledge […]

UK based nutritionist Micki Rose on treating (and diagnosing) Histamine Intolerance

Female GUTS and STOMACH anatomy anterior x-ray view

As one of the UK’s most well respected naturopathic practitioners and health writers, could you please share with my readers your view on the underlying causes of histamine intolerance? Gosh, that’s the sixty million dollar question, isn’t it? I am not a histamine expert, and I am sure others will have much more on that, […]