Antioxidants fight histamine inflammation

Ripe and tasty blueberries on grey wooden table

Research tells us that consuming antioxidant foods at every meal helps us stay out of “oxidative debt”. If you’ve been reading my blog and following a similar diet to mine, you’ll be doing this already (and it certainly explains why I can tolerate higher histamine foods). Here’s what we know about how free radicals are causing inflammation […]

Researchers confirm that inflammation, histamine, cause anxiety (GAD)

eyes peering out of a box

It’s hardly news to us those of us with histamine intolerance and mast cell activation that inflammation can cause symptoms of anxiety. Now though, the research has finally caught up, with scientists identifying altered pro and anti-inflammatory profiles in patients with Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD). One of the inflammatory agents is monitored in the study […]

How Histamine Causes Leaky Gut

The gut barrier is meant to keep bacteria from our food from crossing into our bloodstream. Histamine, an inflammatory mediator released by mast cells that make up part of the immune system, and also contained in foods,  can compromise this barrier, causing intestinal permeability (also known as leaky gut). Foods and bacteria migrating from the stomach […]

Melatonin, mast cells and histamine

alarm clock with a glass bottle on top of it on a white background

A round up of the latest research reveals that the sleep hormone melatonin can prevent mast cells from activating, thereby preventing the release of histamine and other inflammatory agents into the bloodstream, when they’re not needed. As a bonus, melatonin is possibly beneficial in treating tinnitus, which is something many with histamine intolerance and mast cell activation appear to […]

Histamine friendly cleansers and bath products

springer spaniel dog in the bath tub

When people tell me they’re still highly reactive no matter what dietary, stress busting, or lifestyle changes they make, I immediately suggest looking at bath and beauty products. My reactions to these were so very severe that they resulted in near immediate migraine, buzzing in my head, feet and fingers, hives and what looked like […]

Ginseng, as effective as Benadryl for histamine itching?

ginseng on a wooden board

Researchers find that several varieties of ginseng can lower histamine levels and stabilise mast cells (a key component of the immune system), preventing them from releasing  histamine and other inflammation into the blood stream. In certain animal studies it has been shown to be as effective at relieving histamine itching as Bendryl. Please remember, what works […]

Oxalic Acid Inflammation linked to Histamine, Thyroid Dysfunction & Hashimoto’s

swiss chard bundle on wood table

I’ve spoken quite a bit about my experiences dealing with and the link between oxalic acid (found in some of the planet’s healthiest foods) and histamine related inflammation. Today it’s time to examine how a build up of oxalic acid found in low histamine foods like almonds, chard, potatoes, brown rice, millet and others, can […]

Low histamine foods I don’t eat

Rooster Chicken isolated on a white background

While it’s true that the foods in this post are technically classified as being either low in histamine or not triggering the release of histamine already in our body, they still aren’t part of my diet. Read on to find out what they are and why you won’t find me chowing down on them soon […]

What teeth say about your gut health

Dachshund dog with a toothbrush on a light background, not isolated

When dental hygiene doesn’t prevent bleeding gums and cavities, it’s time to look to histamine, mast cells and the wondrous world of bacteria living in the mouth. Dentist and author Dr. Steven Lin shares the tell tale signs of mouth flora imbalance, and how histamine and mast cells may contribute to gingivitis, dental erosion, and […]

(Supposedly) high histamine foods I still eat

The fact I’ve been including (supposedly) high histamine foods back into my histamine intolerance/mast cell activation diet has been a source of confusion, contention and downright anger to some of my readers. Some of the reasons I’ve worked hard to add some of the foods I eliminated over the years are:  I learned the hard way that […]





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