Lebanese Semolina Date Cookies

Here’s a recipe that may or may not make it into the low histamine non-gluten free dessert recipe book. To be made correctly it really needs some butter. You could use vegetable shortening, but I’m not really in love with either health-wise. My results with oil weren’t as good. I would only make these once […]

Low Histamine Balinese Monkfish Sambal

My very first Balinese steps assured me I had found heaven on earth. The airport’s delightfully kitsch tourism ministry infomercials and the frosted mirrors transported me back to the 70s, not in a dingy, dirty way like it does in Bangkok’s seedy after-hours bars, but in a Brady Bunch meets the original Batman series, by […]

Vulvodynia, histamine, oxalates and diet

woman shushing

Is pain “down there” ruining your life? You’re not alone. Chronic “lady pains” were a hot topic at the hista-sista kvetch-sesh in Notting Hill yesterday. The abundantly histamine blessed ladies and I compared notes. The term “chronic pelvic inflammation” of idiopathic origin and vulvodynia came up quite a bit, as did its disastrous effect on […]

Gluten/Milk/Sugar Free (delicious) Low Histamine Cupcakes!

Check out these gluten/milk/sugar free and low histamine cupcakes. There’s no unhealthy fats, preservatives, flavours, really absolutely nothing but pure, nutritious, tasty ingredients. I’m definitely an excitable gal, but these took a few tries to get right, so I’m celebrating. I’m not a huge fan of stevia/yacon as sweeteners so I use agave. You could […]

I have histamine intolerance, are my thyroid meds making me sick?

THE LOW HISTAMINE CHEF MAILBAG I found this particular email very interesting given that I’ve been misdiagnosed with thyroid issues twice in my life before being finally diagnosed with a histamine related disorder (high histamine/histamine intolerance/histaminosis). I refused meds the first time but gave in on the second. What a weird, crazy ride Levothyroxine sent […]

Does having histamine intolerance mean you shouldn’t take probiotics?

Fermented foods are so off the menu for me histamine-wise that I don’t recognise them as food anymore. My last attempt, store bought coconut yoghurt (lactose free), bought me a whole lotta face-down pillow time as it worked it’s magic on my digestive tract. Ok, enough of the dirty talk. So what’s a histamine-challened gal […]

Histamine in Foods (list)

This week I had the pleasure of meeting Barcelona-based nutritionist Adriana Duelo. She has kindly allowed me to re-blog an article that was originally part of her nutritional thesis. Adriana’s research is regularly submitted to the prestigious SPANISH SOCIETY OF DAO DEFICIENCY  (of which she is also a member). Something that quickly caught my eye on Adriana’s […]

Fight histamine-induced inflammation with yoga!

Adding anti-inflammatory foods to your fight against histamine-induced inflammation? Why stop at food? Check out this Huffington Post article on yoga’s role in reducing inflammation. The researchers found that the caregivers who participated in the yoga practice experienced a change in the response of 68 genes, leading to the decrease in inflammation. Inflammation has been linked […]

Cauliflower Tahini Soup – High Vitamin C & Anti-Inflammatory

160% RDA Vit C & 40% RDA Vit K but only 100-150 calories per serving!  Histamine induced inflammation is a huge problem for me. I have persistent tinnitus in my head/ears as a result of it and a constant buzzing feeling in my extremities. It’s very different to the histamine itch that drives me insane, […]

Braised Chicory Fennel Salad (anti-inflammatory)

Today’s lunch encompassed my favourite mealtime elements: this warm salad is anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine and prebiotic. I’m not devoting as much time as I should to getting the “perfect” shot of my off the cuff rummages through the fridge that are usually the result of either having forgot to go food shopping, or my uber healthy […]





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