Surfing the crimson wave make you crazy? Could be histamine…

Tired of your man attributing every nuance of behavior to your menstrual cycle? Well, he could have a point, but you’d die before admitting it (yup that’s me I’m talking about). Well here’s a little nugget to wave under his nose. It’s not the menstrual cycle, it’s the histamine stupid! Japanese researchers have (re)confirmed that […]

Your own personal food histamine sensor? It’s almost here!

“The ultimate goal of the project is to produce detectors for expert and non-expert staff to assess when unhealthy levels of biogenic amines have accumulated in foodstuffs.” That means we’ll soon be able to measure the level of histamine at the dinner table! How incredible would that be? From the University of Brighton website… “They […]

Is your anti-histamine making you fat?

In last week’s post “Histamine’s upside: I lost 35kgs in 6 months” I mentioned the role of histamine in appetite suppression. I recently had a  conversation with a friend whose family member suffers from anorexia nervosa. I felt compelled to share that in my teens I too was thought to be anorexic. Food was hurting me […]

Holy Basil! Anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine superstar

antihistamine holy basil

Not only is Holy Basil tasty in just about any Thai or Vietnamese dish – turns out it’s an anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine herb that’s as effective as Ranitidine/Zantac at treating H2 (histamine) induced ulcers, preventing mast cell degranulation and anaphylactic shock. How do’you like them apples? I like Holy Basil a lot better than them apples…but […]

Exercise is good for you, so why does it make you sick?

New studies show that aerobic exercise raises histamine levels. This isn’t news to me. When playing squash I have to take time outs to scratch myself silly and wait for the room to stop spinning. My man, now used to such bizarre-isms, plays against the wall for a while till it calms down again. I […]

The Low Histamine Beauty Survival Guide: Coming Soon!

The Low Histamine Beauty Survival Guide COMING SOON… Make-up allergies got you down? Have you considered that your beloved cosmetics are causing your histamine intolerance/chemical sensitivity/mastocytosis to flare up? If you’re on a low histamine diet but still suffering from make-up allergies, rashes and migraines, don’t despair, just bin the histamine raising dirty cosmetics! I […]

Beyond make-up allergies: why I detoxed my beauty routine

rms beauty illuminizer

I find it a little bizarre that not many out there are talking about the impact of cosmetics. Even when following a low histamine and tyramine diet to the letter (almost impossible but can be done for short periods) I still suffered symptom flare ups. My attitude at the time was: “hey, I’m suffering so […]

Dr. Oz: “inflammation is waging a war on our bodies”

AN INVISIBLE WAR Dr. Oz calls inflammation an “invisible civil war raging in your body. Undetected it can cause heart attacks, stroke and cancer.” According to him, the problem begins when inflammation does not resolve following its role in healing an injury, causing your immune system to go haywire, turning your best friend into your worst […]

Got allergies? Homeopathic remedy reduces histamine-induced inflammation

Natural caduceus bottle concept

I’m usually on the fence about homeopathic remedies. I’d love to believe they work, but have yet to see the studies backing up their claims. Today however I found a study showing that a homeopathic remedy, Rhus Toxicodendron, “significantly reduces” carrageenan induced inflammation in rats. As I mentioned in another post, carrageenan (irish moss) is […]





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