These probiotic strains help fight allergies (rather than causing them)

Baby bacteria lowers histamine levels

I’ve been exploring the catch-22 of probiotic supplementation for some time now. The dilemma? Probiotics are necessary for proper intestinal function – the histamine lowering enzymes diamine oxidase and monoamine oxidase live there, so fixing up our poop tube seems like a good idea right? Not so simple. Probiotic supplements are fermented (a no go […]

The Histamine Survival Series – Restaurants

‘Tis the season to head to warmer climes and enjoy a little dining…but eating out is no picnic when you have histamine intolerance/histaminosis/mast cell activation/mastocytosis. And yet this has never stopped me from trying (and succeeding).  My top tip for surviving restaurants is PREPARE! 1. I have a couple of restaurants who have my allergies/preferences […]

BREAKING NEWS: chlorinated tap water ingredient responsible for rise in allergies

A study published in the Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology reports that dichlorophenol, a chemical used tap water chlorination, is associated with an increased risk of food allergies. But fear not, scientists claim that we’re much more likely to have been absorbing it from pesticides on our fruit and vegetables, or in the cosmetics we’ve […]

The Low Histamine Diet Foods FAQ

WHICH FOODS ARE HIGH HISTAMINE? That depends on which list you follow. Histamine in foods varies depending on: the country grown in, whether pesticides were used, climate, transportation, ripeness when picked, how long on the supermarket shelf, bacterial contamination. In particular the level varies in flesh. The reason for which is that bacteria release histamine […]

10 histamine (non food) triggers (and how I deal with them)

As you may know, histamine disorders (roll call: histamine intolerance, histaminosis, chronic allergies, mast cell activation and mastocytosis) have more than one trigger. And by that I’m not counting individual foods, just a whole mess of stuff that can cause histamine to be released into the blood stream. I’m successfully managing a number of them […]

Ayurvedic remedy helps fight flab, fix your thyroid and lower histamine levels!

I’m taking a number of steps to help my body recover from any inadvertent histamine hiccups (ahem, cupcake incidents) I may subject it to. One of them is the food-coaching course I’m taking with my nutritional hero Dr. Fuhrman, and an intensive immersion into herbalism, which I’m sure to expand upon in coming years. I’m […]

Playing histamine detective is easy – here’s how I do it.

Update: nowadays I wish I hadn’t tried so hard to play histamine detective. In the end I believe it became counter productive, causing my amygdala to become hypersensitised and give me a fear of food. Read all about that here. My decade (plus) as a journalist for CNN and the BBC definitely prepared me to […]

Non toxic beauty: this natural hair dye prevents allergies!

UPDATE: I’m no longer reactive to shampoo or hair dye. But I’ve stopped dyeing my hair anyway. It’s just too toxic. I use 100 percent pure shampoo and conditioner. Please remember, we can be allergic to anything, even antihistamines and natural hair dye with antihistamine properties. CLICK HERE TO CREATE YOUR OWN PERSONALISED HEALING HISTAMINE […]

On the Go cookbook sneak peek!

I’m waiting for tax papers in the US to go through before I can sell the books on Amazon. So in the meantime I’ve been trying to figure out the best way to let folks take a peek inside the book. So here it is… And here’s the blurb to go with it! Do you […]

Suffering from make up allergies or reactions? Try wearing nudes…

Suffer from make up allergies/reactions? Ever noticed nudes bother you less? Me too! An interview with Ilia Beauty founder Sasha Plavsic at the fabulous Being Content in London revealed why. Ilia’s Neon Angel has my vote as one of the top all-time greats of the natural beauty worldI asked Sasha if she thought make up allergies were […]





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