Going no (sham)poo? Here’s how not to gross out…
Chronic illness can really deflate your ego… This time last year I was still unable to tolerate shampoo on my skin. How did I know? Hair loss, dermatitis of the scalp, dandruff, extreme exhaustion and brain fog after showering, migraine, rash on my neck, jawline, back and upper arms, and more! Once I realised shampoo […]
Healing Jasmin & Neroli body scrub (perfect for gifts!)
What do you give friends who have everything? If you’re on a budget, wowing them by spending yourself into the poorhouse isn’t really in the spirit of things now is it? I’ve always fancied the idea of making something special for my nearest and dearest. This year I seized the bull by the horns and […]
Painkiller in a glass
Ok, I’ll fess up. I caved in to my need for a painkiller today. In my defence, there are better starts to the day than smashing your foot into a cement wall. And yet I stumbled out onto the blistering cold London streets, somehow convinced this was a better plan than kicking back at home […]
Paleo, gluten-free, antihistamine & anti-inflammatory water chestnut flatbread
From Yasmina: “My obsession with Indian food turned up a water chestnut flatbread that I just couldn’t turn down.So far I’ve used it to batter sprats (very small English fish similar to sardines), make cake, flatbread, pancakes and even waffles (tricky this one). It’s also so glutinous that eggs aren’t needed. As I’m personally not […]
Histamine intolerance, mast cell disorder and allergy supplements (Pt 2)
In today’s video I take you through: Part two of my favourite mast cell stabilising, allergy fighting, histamine intolerance quashing supplements. How to maximise quercetin absorption; considerably! Why quercetin might not be right for you. Why taking/eating the same thing every day could be tripping up your progress. And also a quick explanation on how […]
The Low Histamine Thanksgiving Part 2 (pie!)
Don’t forget to check out part 1 of this Thanksgiving meal… Smashed Jerusalem Artichokes w/Healing Herbs Ingredients 4-8 cups scrubbed or peeled jerusalem artichokes, chopped 4 medium shallots or 2 onions, chopped thyme, to taste basil, to taste garlic, to taste olive oil Preparation Parboil the chokes. Meanwhile, sauté the shallots or onions, thyme, garlic […]
[trx_video url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiYJQ_Z-iNA” show_image=”yes” autoplay=”yes”]Part two – natural antihistamine and mast cell stabilizing supplements for histamine intolerance, mast cell disorders, and allergies.
The antihistamine & anti-inflammatory diet wins!
Yes dear friends, it seems as though I’m winning the battle against my histamine intolerance/mast cell activation/whatchamacallit! So I had to park myself outside Whole Foods in London for a juicy celebratory selfie. You’ll notice I’m mugging it up with my top ally in the battle against chronic illness – Mr Green. Ok, now let’s […]
The Low Histamine Thanksgiving (paleo, low oxalate, gluten free)
As those of you who checked out my histamine intolerance supplements video will know, I sound American, but not so much so that you can’t tell I’m not actually from the states. It has definitely confused people over the years. My phonetically accurate pronunciation of Arkansas (Ar-Kan-Zas) caught my supervising editor at CNN’s political unit […]
Gluten free anti-inflammatory flatbread (low oxalate, low histamine, paleo)
My obsession with Indian food turned up a water chestnut flatbread that I just couldn’t turn down. Water chestnut isn’t a nut at all, but rather a grass-like sedge native to Asia. According to Wikipedia they’re high in riboflavin, vitamin B6 and copper, both of which help us make the histamine-lowering DAO enzyme. So far […]