The histamine (mast cell) depression link

doctor holding sign saying depression

While you could say it’s pretty normal to be down in the dumps over having been sick for most of your life, I’ve often found it interesting that an impressive number of us with histamine intolerance, mast cell activation disorders and mastocytosis appear to suffer from crushing depression. So convinced was I of the link, […]

Dr Joneja: How to boost your histamine-lowering DAO enzyme (naturally)

Bundle Of Fresh Pea Sprouts On White Background

Download Dr. Joneja’s guide to growing DAO rich sprouts here: Pea seedlings as a supplement As I outline in my first book, a diet rich in vitamin B6, magnesium, copper and other nutrients is necessary in order for our body to produce the histamine-lowering enzyme DAO (diamine oxidase). But, I neglected to mention another (delicious) source of […]

Adventures on the Dr Oz Show

yasmina ykelenstam at the dr oz show

As you may have heard, my trip to New York got off to a shaky start. An amygdala-triggering event on the Heathrow-JFK flight left me emptying the (thankfully) minimal contents of my tummy pretty much the minute I arrived at my cousin’s Upper East Side apartment. But that didn’t matter, because I was on a […]

Benadryl is cocaine to your brain?

yasmina ykelenstam reporting from baghdad

Please note, I’m not anti-medication and I absolutely believe there’s a time and a place for histamine/mast cell medications in order for us to stabilise. Please do not discontinue any medications. I recently had an operation to retrieve my eggs during fertility treatment and allowed them to use Benadryl. Please read this post for more […]

Gluten Free Blackberry Saffron Almond Cake (paleo)

gluten free blackberry pie

So much yumminess emanates from my friend Alejandra Ramos’ website Always Order Dessert. Once delicious recipe after the next tumbles effortlessly from this Latina bombshell’s lips, only to be Tweeted by the Domestic Goddess herself, Nigella Lawson. Nigella most recently took a fancy to a Blackberry Saffron Almond cake that I can only describe as heaven […]

Diagnosing histamine intolerance & mast cell activation

doctor hiding behind sign saying diagnosing histamine intolerance

I’ve been told, by a number of doctors, that it takes, on average, a decade to diagnose someone with a mast cell disorder. I personally consider histamine intolerance to be a mast cell disorder. It took me almost 30 years and 68 doctors to get to histamine intolerance, and then another three years and two doctors to […]

Fearful of food? The brain is to blame (but is also the cure)

airplane taking off at sunrise

I’m a logical person. I’ve seen and experienced things in life that colour my perception of the world around me for sure, but not to the extent of what happened to me on the Heathrow – JFK leg of my US trip. You know how there are some French cheeses so stanky that they make […]

Wondering why you react to EVERYTHING you eat?

Did you know that the act of digestion itself causes histamine release [1]? No, not many people do. I get so many emails from people who are convinced they have multiple amine, food intolerance or allergy issues because they react to everything they ingest. They explore salicylate, amine, oxalate, yeast and other issues obsessively, convinced that […]

I’m healing, not curing (my histamine intolerance/mast cell disorder)

Crystal therapy on woman's back

  Ask any “healthy” person to really, truly, focus inwards on their body and list everything they feel happening, or anything that bothers them, and you’ll likely get an “I’m healthy as an ox” type of answer. Probe a little deeper, persist, or even just ask general, open ended, round about questions about their health, […]

Sunflower seed butter cookies (gluten and dairy free)

gluten free high nutrient cookies in a stack

  The great thing about staying in a house with kids is that they give you an excuse to go nutty with the cookie batter. The bad news is that, well, you get nutty with the cookie batter! Luckily, my gluten/dairy/nut/white sugar free, medium oxalate cookies are just as high nutrient as the rest of […]





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