Antihistamine rich artichoke Soup

antihistamine artichoke soup

As you may have heard, I recently released the Anti-Detox, a new book of high nutrient antihistamine and anti-inflammatory rich all liquid recipes for those days when when I was feeling my histamine bucket gearing up to splurge all over the place. This is a recipe I really wish had gone in there, but the wonderful […]

The Anti-Detox

the antidetox ebook photo

I’m super duper excited to share that the Anti-Detox un-cook (e)book is available in my online store!  This is a seven day collection of highly antihistamine and anti-inflammatory juices, smoothies, or a combination of both, which I have dubbed “jui-cies”, and delicious soups I have used to mediate histamine-induced inflammation. I can’t claim they’ll do the […]

The (liquid) histamine cleanse

yasmina holding blender by beach

Today’s lunch! This book is now available for purchase here!  Busy, busy bee here in Egypt. This may look like a holiday but I’m here in Dahab (1 hr from Sharm el Sheikh) shooting my meditation course and finishing up photography on my first 100% liquid book (The Histamine Detox) here. (There’s a couple more surprises and […]

Gluten free blueberry muffins (with vegan option)

gluten low histamine free blueberry muffins

The muffin muse is with me – I’ve come up with just under five different muffin recipes in the last two weeks. It’s challenging figuring out how to stuff something so inherently unhealthy full of nutrients, while keeping the fat content down. Or in my case, keep it up. No, not for me of course, but […]

Summertime white gazpacho soup

low histamine recipes white gazpacho

It’s coming up on that time of year where my desire to spend all day in the kitchen pretty much flies out the window. It’s especially hard to justify it here in Spain, where I’ve decided to settle for a little while. It’s been a long, long year, full of highs like being quoted in […]

Dr Janice Joneja: histamine intolerance or mast cell disorder?


It’s a question most of us diagnosed with histamine intolerance have asked ourselves at some point (if not obsessively, all the time): am I dealing with something else? Something like a mast cell activation disorder, or mastocytosis. Immunologist, nutritionist and pioneering histamine researcher Dr Janice Joneja was kind enough to share her view on it. […]

Antihistamine & anti-inflammatory rich Thai rice salad

antihistamine rice salad with olive oil bottle

Mmmmmm, two of my favourite hobbies came together in a very pleasing manner recently when I finally managed to get my butt into gear to get to Triyoga, one of Europe’s most highly regarded yoga studios here in London (where I’ve been living). Ironic that I only managed to do it two weeks before leaving […]

Dr Joneja: natural diamine oxidase for histamine intolerance

natural diamine oxidase

A number of years ago immunologist and researcher Dr Janice Joneja had a brilliant idea: to extract the histamine-lowering diamine oxidase enzyme from natural (vegan) sources, to help those of us with histamine intolerance to lower histamine naturally. (Check out my incredibly comprehensive “everything you’ve ever wanted to know about” histamine intolerance interview with her […]


A number of years ago immunologist and researcher Dr Janice Joneja had a brilliant idea: to extract the histamine-lowering diamine oxidase enzyme from natural (vegan) sources, to help those of us with histamine intolerance to lower histamine naturally. (Check out my incredibly comprehensive “everything you’ve ever wanted to know about” histamine intolerance interview with her […]





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