The role of vitamin D in histamine inflammation

Vitamin D containing foods

Vitamin D acts as a fat soluble hormone that facilitates intestinal absorption of calcium, iron, magnesium, and zinc. The latter two are essential components needed by the body to manufacture the histamine degrading enzyme diamine oxidase (DAO), so we definitely want to max out our ability to retain them. One of vitamin D’s most important roles […]

Fasting mimicking diet for mast cells and histamine – the results

Interviewing Dr. Valter Longo, director of the University of Southern California’s Longevity Institute, has been one of the highlights of writing this blog. Read the full interview here. Our discussion centred on his findings that a diet that mimics the effects of water fasting, without the extreme mental anguish, muscle wastage, mega loss of nutrients, and […]

Magnesium deficiency triggers histamine inflammation

Products rich in magnesium on wooden spoons.

Did you know that something as simple as a vitamin or mineral deficiency can trigger histamine induced inflammation? While many deficiencies can be responsible for confusing symptoms when we’re doing everything else right, today I’m going to focus on one of the most likely contenders: magnesium. A study published in the Drug-Nutrient Reactions journal found that dietary […]

Wine: all the benefits without the histamine hangover?

Red Wine Bottle with tissue paper wrapping on wood surface and light to dark warm background.

Did you know that histamine causes hangovers? I used to tell people that living with histamine intolerance is like having a permanent hangover, one I actually dubbed the “histamine hangover”, because eating histamine foods left me feeling like I’d been run over by a truck. Thankfully some wineries have come up with ways to not only […]

Paleo Beauty

Not on the paleo diet? You don’t have to be to enjoy their uber clean beauty and bath products which are some of the best on the market. Having recently attended the Paleo FX conference in Austin, I can tell you there’s some exciting products you should check out. Please head over to my wonderful […]

Fight histamine inflammation: live longer and younger

Inflammaging is the ageing effect of inflammation on the body and brain. We have modern medicine to thank for life span increases, but scientists believe part of the reason inflammation takes such a toll on us is because the immune system must nowadays stay active for longer than ever. This very long activity may lead […]

Research & News It’s not in your head: gluten hurts non-celiacs too

wheat silos

The next time that annoying friend (or family member) snarkily comments on how your “gluten intolerance” isn’t a thing, go ahead and point them to a new study released by the Colombia University Medical Centre. Researchers there discovered that people with non-celiac wheat sensitivity have a weak intestinal barrier (I know, d’oh) and that eating gluten containing […]

Parasites trigger mast cell histamine release

Cat scratching itself

Mast cells are a key player in the immune system response. They release histamine and other inflammatory agents into the bloodstream to fight viruses and bacteria, parasites, and promote wound healing. Pretty much any invader can cause this mast cell activation, or a perceived intrusion, by food and beauty products for example, when the immune system […]

Low FODMAPS antihistamine onion substitute kills parasites

Asafoetida powder in wooden spoon on a white table

The Indian herb Asafoetida (Ferula Asafoetida) possesses anti-inflammatory and antihistamine activity, in addition to fighting viruses and intestinal parasites. For those unable to tolerate garlic and onion, or those eating a low FODMAPs diet, this member of the carrot family makes a pleasing substitute when added to cooking. References for every statement in this post are found at […]





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