180 Nutrition Australia

Us News & World Report

Health Monitor magazine (2 million readership US)

Histamine’s role as a neurotransmitter in anxiety disorder – Trudy Scott
The Anxiety Summit

Healthy airport food – Yasmina Ykelenstam
Beauty and Wellbeing

The Fat Burning Man podcast (number 1 podcast in iTunes Health – 1 million downloads per episode)

The Tiredness Cure – Julie Relevant
First for Women Magazine (circulation 1.2 million US)

The GAPS diet and histamine intolerance – Melanie Christner, CNP

Beauty and Wellbeing

Jon Gabriel’s Mind Body Weight Loss Summit


Beauty and Wellbeing

BBC Radio

Aftonbladet (Sweden’s highest circulation newspaper) Sofi’s Mode magazine supplement

The Patrick Timpone Radio Show – One Radio Network

Presentation by Dr. Ben Lynch of MTHFR.net

All Parenting

All Parenting

Beauty & Wellbeing

Fragile Links (EDS magazine)

All Parenting
Raw vegan sushi – Yasmina Ykelenstam
Beauty & Wellbeing

Primal Docs

All Parenting
Interviews By Yasmina

Yasmina interviews Harvard and Tufts neuroscientist Dr. Michael Van ElZakker.

Yasmina interviews Dr. Valter Longo, head of the University of Southern California Institute of Longevity.

Yasmina interviews immunologist and author Dr. Janice Joneja

Yasmina interviews journalist and author Donna Jackson Nakazawa

Yasmina interviews author and wellness activist Cherie Calbom

Yasmina interviews best selling Hay House author David Hamilton

Yasmina interviews bestselling author (and Gwyneth Paltrow’s detox guru), cardiologist Dr. Alejandro Junger

Yasmina interviews immunologist and author Dr. Janice Joneja

Yasmina interviews mast cell specialist Dr. Mariana Castells

Yasmina interviews mast cell specialist Dr. Mariana Castells

Yasmina interviews Hippocrates Institute director Dr. Brian Clement
The Juice Lady
Yasmina interviews author and wellness activist Cherie Calbom